Session Tag: Smeeling

Session 2: Perception as a prerequisite for communication

Learning Outcomes

  • Being able to explain the basic principles of good communication and having knowledge about the importance of communication and especially good communication.


Session Content

Watch the video on perception. Perception is considered a prerequisite for communication.

The slideshow below on perception is for self-reflection. Think about whether and how you would greet the people.


Read the paper on the Halo Effect and Stereotypes.

Becoming aware of both effects is important for any good communication.



There are several ways to influence your own perception. The fairy tale of the emperor’s new clothes makes this effect very clear. Please read the fairy tale now.


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After you have read the fairy tale of the emperor’s new clothes, there is now a little quiz. Can you answer all the questions correctly?



Read the text about “Diary as self-reflection” and learn why it is useful to keep such a diary.



Read through the two reflection questions and try to answer them. There is no right or wrong way to answer the questions.