Kick Off Meeting
Kick-Off Meeting 21.10.2020
After the start of the Communicare project in September 2020 the Kick-off meeting was held online due to the Covid pandemic. On the 21st of October 2020 partners from Austria (Berufsförderungsintsitut Oberösterreich; BFI), Italy (Marche Cooperativa Sociale Onlus; COOSS), Greece (Fontida Zois & University of the Aegean; UAegean) and Germany (Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg; DHBW & Wohlfahrtswerk für Baden-Württemberg; WW) met to get to know each other and build reliable working relationships. Therefore they introduced themselves and their organisations including background and experiences useful for the project. The partners also discussed the project goals, intellectual outputs and methods to reach the objectives. Furthermore they outlined a dissemination plan to raise awareness and the impact of the project.
The next step is to do a country specific in depth-research to form a baseline study and to create the project website.