Stuttgart, Germany
Linz, Austria
Ancona, Italy
Patras, Greece
Athens, Greece
About us
6 partners across 4 European countries
6 partners across 4 European countries
Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University (Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg / DHBW ) is the first higher education institution in Germany which combines on-the-job training and academic studies and, therefore, achieves a close integration of theory and practice, both being components of cooperative education. With around 34,000 enrolled students, over 9,000 partner companies and more than 145,000 graduates, DHBW counts as one of the largest higher education institutions in the German Federal State of Baden-Wuerttemberg.
Wohlfahrtswerk für Baden-Württemberg is one of the biggest providers of services for the elderly in Baden-Württemberg, caring for around 2,000 elderly people with a team of 1,500 employees. We offer a range of residential options from sheltered housing to in-house residential care, residential communities for older people and a generation house, as well as a wide range of services for assisted living in ones own home. For more than 200 years the foundation incorporated under civil law and its predecessors has been following two fundamental functions: to maintain social services and facilities and to encourage and implement innovation in the social sector. It is part of our foundation mission to encourage and implement innovation in social areas. We find new answers to the constantly changing lifestyle habits as people grow older, with a great number of pilot, research, innovation and praxis projects on national and European level.
COOSS is an Italian private no profit organisation whose main objective is to support the integration of disadvantaged people through the provision of social, assisting, care, educational and training services and to propose interventions to meet the different needs of the local community. Born in 1979, COOSS counts nowadays around 2.900 members-employees and serves more than 12.200 users among which minors, youngsters, elderly, disabled people, mentally impaired, drug addicted, migrants. Since 1993, the Department of Research and Training experiments innovative solutions to the emerging social needs through its participation to EU projects and organizes training courses for the qualification of social professionals. In 2000 the Department was accredited by the Regional Government as a VET Agency. As VET accredited agency, since 2000 COOSS organises and manages VET courses for social professionals in collaboration with main municipalities and other public bodies of the region, with the aim to provide recognized qualifications at regional and national level; in 2018 realizes 175 training courses devoted both for internal employees and external professionals (1.575 people trained for an amount of 67.396 hours). COOSS is also accredited as employment centre by Marche Region and manages the Youth Guarantee activities concerning training, education, employment and entrepreneurship promotion.
COOSS provides social and educational services in deep collaboration with public and private organizations of Local Administration and Marche Region.
BFI – Institute for vocational advancement is an Upper Austrian vocational training institution that meets the new requirements of the 21st century’s labor market. It has become a market leader in all variations of re-entry into the job market, second chance education and vocational qualification in health, social and other service jobs. It provides an integrated spectrum of education and training covering all qualification levels – including university degrees – for both professional and occupational applications afford a significant edge to both single participants in training courses or seminars and to organizations, companies or special interest groups.
“Frontida Zois” is a social welfare private agency funded at 2007 and located in Patras – West Greece, for the care at home of socially vulnerable groups (elderly, disabled). Its main scope is to help older people retain their maximum level of autonomy and well being through the provision of home care services (nursing and social work services) and various initiatives that promote active ageing, independent living and patient empowerment. Our agency, by providing in daily basis care giving services to older people, has gained valuable practical experience in all issues that affect their daily living. We provide nursing services (personal hygiene, management of medication, prime care), and social care services (psychological support, help in activities of daily living, counseling, bills management, errands) with our nurses and social workers, aiming to the best possible quality of life and ageing well of our beneficiaries. In most of the cases, our patients suffer from a chronic disease, frailty, mental or physical impairment. “Frontida Zois” disposes a highly qualified personnel from the health and social care sector including disciplines such as social work, psychology, nursing, telematics and software engineering.
The University of the Aegean (UAegean) was founded in 1984 aiming to introduce new approaches in higher education in Greece and worldwide and to promote regional development. Situated in 6 picturesque islands in the Aegean Archipelago, it offers a unique natural, cultural and human environment for modern studies in the ancient cradle of knowledge. In less than thirty years, the UAegean has evolved into an international research –oriented University offering 18 undergraduate (BA or BSc) and 40 postgraduate(MA or MSc) programmes in modern interdisciplinary thematic areas such as environment, communication systems, cultural informatics, product design, food and nutritional sciences, education design and Mediterranean studies. In addition, the UAegean has established joined international postgraduate programs (i.e. in Biodiversity, Environmental Policy and Management, European Integration) as well as joined PhD degree programmes in a wide range of thematic areas.